
La Vedetta let their wines speak for themselves

We have always been free to experiment, to explore, to make wines without the burden of a legacy to follow. Our only duty being the respect the wine heritage of Barbaresco and express the terroir of our vineyards

An economist by education, Swantje met Marco in Germany where he was in the middle of his internship.  Marco left his job in 2016 and together they took the leap and created a future as winemakers in the hills of Barbaresco.

They are quick to remind you that they let their wines speak for themselves – that is not to say they do not speak a lot, often they both speak at the same time, sometimes on the same subject and sometimes not.  This energy, I think, you will discover is also present in their wines.

Fun fact

Marco and Zwantje met at a kareoke bar. Marco either forgot to get her name, or he did and forgot.  In any case, he managed to get her phone number.  Which he saved under "girl from kareoke bar"